Moon Orbiting Asteroid

Astronomers Find Moon Orbiting Asteroid

For the first time ever, an Earth-based telescope has captured images of a small moon orbiting an asteroid. Using the 12-foot (3.6-meter) Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on...

Facts About Saturn

Saturn can be seen with the naked eye. It is the fifth brightest object in the solar system and is also easily studied through...
Humans Became Humans

Humans Became Humans Just 4 Million Years Ago

In a common evolutionary trunk, it is known that the orangutan is our cousin thrice removed, the gorilla is our cousin twice removed and...

Facts About Venus

Quick Venus Facts Venus does not have any moons or rings. Venus is nearly as big as the Earth with a diameter of 12,104...
Solar System

35 interesting facts about Solar System

Our home is not a country or even a planet, but the entire Solar System, infinitely interesting and immense. We still know very little...

We are not local ourselves...

Secrets of storms in Australia

Secrets of storms in Australia

Such scenes could be observed at the end of August 2007 in New South Wales in the south-east of Australia. That day, the Pacific...
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Eiffel Tower Facts

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“Confessions of the Son of the Century” by Musset

Musset began his novel in the summer of 1835, hastily dealing with other literary orders, and in February 1836 the novel was already published....