Mystery and riddles

Interesting facts about the mysteries and riddles of the planet. The universe is full of mysteries, and most of the mysteries of our world have not yet been solved…

The Mystery of the Geographer's Adventures

The Mystery of the Geographer’s Adventures

The life of the German geographer and naturalist, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Alexander Humboldt (1769-1859), full of extraordinary events...
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What is even more provocative is the theory that Jupiter is a failed star. Current scientific knowledge suggests that if Jupiter had, in fact,...
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Facts

One of the fun facts about Albert Einstein for kids is that he often worked on physics when he should have been examining patents...
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What turns a mere piece of matter from being mere matter into an animated being? What gives certain special physical patterns in the universe...
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Uranus has the distinction of being the first planet discovered in modern history. Actually, its discovery as a planet almost did not happen. In...
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Rare Flying Reptile with Mouthful of Fangs Trolled Jurassic Skies

Flying reptiles, including the newly discovered Klobiodon rochei, have been put together from fragments found in fossil-rich Stonesfield, in Oxfordshire. As if a spear-like beak...
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10 Fascinating Facts About Color

It’s in everything we touch, taste, smell, and feel. It evokes emotion without asking for prior thought. It can be the focus of our...
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Mystery Skulls

Skulls are humanity's foremost symbol of death, and a powerful icon in the visual vocabularies of cultures all over the globe. Many strangely "deformed"...
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Kailasa Temple

Ajanta and nearby Ellora are two of the most amazing archaeological sites in India. Although handcrafted caves are scattered throughout India's western state of...
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10 Common Myths About Famous Landmarks

Myths and misconceptions exist about even the greatest and most famous landmarks in the world. Heck, you were probably even taught some of them...
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10 Terrifying Prehistoric Sea Monsters

Some of the largest creatures this world has ever seen lived millions of years ago. Here are ten of the largest, most fearsome sea...
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11 facts about coast redwoods, the tallest trees in the world

Sturdy, stalwart, and superlatively statuesque, California's coast redwoods stand out as some of the most impressive organisms on the planet. Before the 1850s, coast redwoods...
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At the northern end of the Sacred Valley, Ollantaytambo is rare if not unique in Peru. Ollantaytambo is a massive citadel located 50 kilometers...
Life on Earth

7 Theories on the Origin of Life

Life on Earth began more than 3 billion years ago, evolving from the most basic of microbes into a dazzling array of complexity over...
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Facts About Mercury

Quick Mercury Facts Mercury does not have any moons or rings. Your weight on Mercury would be 38% of your weight on Earth. A...
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What Is A Solar Eclipse?

A solar eclipse is a natural event that takes place on Earth when the Moon moves in its orbit between Earth and the Sun...
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Top 10 Misconceptions About South Korea

With the recent death of dictator Kim Jong-Il, all eyes are on North Korea (or, as it is ironically named, the Democratic People’s Republic...
The unknowable otherworld

The unknowable otherworld

In general philosophical terms, the problem is not at all the prerogative of religion alone. Moreover, it is in their interests to represent the...

We are not local ourselves...

Swiss neurophysiologists have learned to read the thoughts of dead people

It took more than 10 years for specialists from the Center for Neuroprogramming and Neurophysiology to learn how to read the thoughts of deceased...
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Pole Shifting

But take a look!


“Confessions of the Son of the Century” by Musset

Musset began his novel in the summer of 1835, hastily dealing with other literary orders, and in February 1836 the novel was already published....