Already in those distant times, when primitive artists were just beginning to decorate the walls of caves with their drawings, people realized that painting has a huge magical power.

A modern person in an effort to decorate his home often buys a picture (or a copy) simply because this plot or author is fashionable. The fact that any work of art carries a certain energy charge, we either do not know, or guess, but do not attach due importance to it. But in vain. After all, painting can be a friend and a healer, and maybe an enemy.

Surprises are pleasant and not very

Have you heard about art therapy? This is a method of treatment through artistic creativity, offering to splash out your bad mood, negative emotions and ailments on paper. That is, when you feel bad, you pick up a pencil and draw your misfortunes and sores the way you imagine them. The resulting creation is then recommended to be torn up or burned. It is believed that in this way you can gradually get rid of some mental and physical ailments.

Without delving into the analysis of the effectiveness of this method, let’s think about something else. Artists are also people, and nothing human is alien to them. Moreover, there were and are among them mentally and physically unhealthy.

Take Vrubel, for example, who spent a significant part of his LIFE in a madhouse. He also poured out his negative emotions on canvases, charging them with energy that was by no means healing.

In essence, any painting is a mini-repository of one or another energy of its creator. She may have a kind, bright aura, like, for example, the paintings of Titian, or maybe completely different. Many cases are known from the history of I, when I relatives of artists living surrounded by their canvases committed suicide or died at a young age. Rubens has a 35-year-old beautiful wife and a 12-year-old daughter, Goya has a young lover, the Duchess of Alba, Rembrandt has both wives and all children. Picasso’s two wives and grandson voluntarily passed away.

Of course, this does not mean that any paintings should be shunned like the plague. There are many paintings that are literally saturated with positive emotions and generously bestow them on others. An example of this is the masterpieces of Nadia Rusheva, unanimously recognized by psychics as healing. According to experts, some of Roerich’s canvases have the same properties. And there are many good magicians among living artists who endow their creations with beneficial energy.

So, buying a picture, it is worth considering not only fashion trends. It also does not hurt to listen to the feelings that it causes you. With positive – to acquire, and with negative – to think hard. It’s not for nothing that feng shui experts recommend having only canvases depicting positive subjects at home and warn against buying paintings depicting dark forces, evil, catastrophes, diseases, monsters – everything gloomy and oppressive.

An important factor is the location of the painting in the house. According to the same canons of Feng shui, canvases depicting the seasons should preferably be placed in the appropriate parts of the apartment: winter landscapes – in the north, summer – in the south, autumn – in the west and north-west, and spring – in the east and south-east.

Still lifes with flowers and fruits, attracting abundance to the house, will come to a place in the living room or in the kitchen. Dynamic subjects are suitable for the hallway, for example, a sailboat rushing through the waves or a horse racing across the steppe. In the bedroom, it is more appropriate to hang a landscape of a quiet summer evening or an image of a curled-up cat.

It is not recommended to place family portraits in front of the entrance door and toilet. The best place for them is a library or an office. As for the office, on the side wall from the desktop, a sea view will be very appropriate, favorable for business development. A canvas depicting mountain peaks, hung behind the head’s back, will provide him with the support of higher forces.

But to hang the picture correctly is still half the battle. It is also important to devote at least 10-15 minutes a day to her contemplation. Sit in a comfortable chair in front of the painting, relax and try to mentally enter it, immerse yourself in its atmosphere, live in it the life you have long dreamed of. Over time, you will feel the results of these dives, and the picture will really become a friend and healer for you, bringing positive emotions, beautifying and prolonging life.