A terrible seven-meter monster was picked up in the ocean near the American city of San Diego (California coast). It is believed that the creature died after falling under the propeller of the ship. This is indicated by deep incised wounds in the middle of the body and cuts on the head. The sailors were very surprised by the find, took pictures with a dead “sea serpent” and took the carcass to scientists at the Institute of Oceanography in San Diego.
Anatomical dissection of the fish was carried out by specialists of the Oceanic Research Center of this institute. In the Center there is a large collection of pickled oceanic fish, this specimen (head and one meter of tail) is now also on public display, so anyone can visit San Diego, look at the exhibition and see the monster from the ocean depths firsthand.
So what is it? Is it really the legendary sea serpent?

The miracle is called, as the scientists explained, Regalecus glesne or, in the vernacular, the paddle fish. Individual instances can be several times larger than this. Scientists believe that the mysterious 17-meter serpentine fish, which was observed on the coast of Scotland in 1808, was precisely a paddle fish. In recent years, only on the coast of California, this fish has been seen 4 times (once dead), so it occurs to a person quite often.
It is not surprising that in the past this creature caused terrible horror among sailors: a body like a sharp knife, huge bulging eyes and an ugly crimson mane, similar to the crest of a rooster. However, the repulsive appearance is familiar to deep-sea fish. Scientists believe that the paddle fish spends most of its life at depths of up to 900 meters, and rises to the surface only before its death.